Friday 12 June 2020

Task 4

This is a PowerPoint I have done in dedication to video game box art covers where I explain the good parts on certain box art covers and the bad side to box art.

And this image right here below, is my final game box design for the game.
The cover itself resembles light hearted and adventurous games such as Sonic, Mario, Spyro and other games like them. This is because I wanted to get that same feeling of fun for the game cover.

To start off with, the font I choose for these resembles a blockly, cartoonish feel to it, that would fit around the cover entirely.

I also wanted to the colour to be bright, make it clearly seen and make it look like a bright and colourful game.
And overall, I wanted my game cover to resemble that of Sonic or Mario because they had a timeless look and feel because of their bright mood and great character design that lasted this long. I wanted my box cover to have the same effect they brought.

Monday 1 June 2020

Research for Task 3

My story is set within the world of Man in the High Castle. I will show what research I have done to properly show how I have integrated my story in the world of High Castle.

Right here is the basic summery, setting and plot for the Man in the High Castle story. It tells the basic plot and setting for Man in the High Castle, as well as further details of the show itself.

Here is a link to the first season of Man in the High Castle, showing off what it's about and a basic understanding of the characters in this show.

Because watching a show would take a large amount of time, I decided to watch this recap video, explaining the events of the show, telling me the events of the first season.

As for the research for Workbook 2, All I did was go onto google to research the various things related to them or I would write down the answer down without it, because of my own experience like knowing what dialogue is.

I also used informative websites like Google and Wikipedia to see for more extra information.

For one of my assignments on Workbook 2, I had to draw a picture of myself and create a pixel version of myself. To do this, I used a picture of myself for reference.
For my comic, I had to write some pages and a script to tell what happens and how it looked.

Down here, is the script for the story.

And here, is the rough comic sketch I drew out my story.

Monday 25 May 2020

Workbook 2

WorkBook 2

· Diegetic Sound:
Diegetic sound is a noise which has a source on-screen. They are noises which have not been edited in, for example dialogue between characters or footsteps.

· Non-diegetic sound:
Non-diegetic sounds is the exact opposite. It is a noise which does not have a source on-screen, like for music in a game.

· Music and musical scores:
These are used to help effect the mood and setting in games, movies and many other media.

· Sound effects:
Sound effects are used within games or even movies to

· Dialogue
When it comes to media, dialogue is very important as it shows who is talking, what they're talking about and to listen and understanding what they are saying.

· Foley sound
Foley Sound is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality.

· Wild track (also known as atmos)
Wild track is usually recorded separately to help synchronise audio between cuts.

For example: In a scene from a film or TV show, wild track is recorded without the sounds of the actors or other sounds so when editing occurs, the wild track can be played underneath to hide any jumps in audio as the picture changes.


MMORPG is a combination of role-playing video games and massively multiplayer online games in which a large number of players online can interact with one another within a virtual world. One example of one would be the online game of Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game properly utiles the the prospect of a MMO

Polygons are used in computer graphics to compose images that are three-dimensional in appearance. In games, they are used to shape the game itself like structure or NPCS.

FOV is similar to POV, expect rather then seeing from your own point of view, you would rather see things. Its where you see everything in you vision, like whatever your holding and whatever is in your path as such.
For my next task, I had to do two different images of myself, one from a drawing and one in the form of pixelation.
Here is my drawing self:
And here is my digital self

Friday 3 April 2020


Here below are slides from a Powerpoint I made about the story I am set on making. Each slide shows a different aspect of the story I'm making.
This slide is off the sketches I did for the characters that appear in my story. Each of them as a different and unique design to them that sets them apart from each other.
This is a image I did on Krita. I got inspiration from both cites in Steampunk design and cities in a futuristic design and tried to mix them both together.
This Slide explains the 3 act structure and where the story goes from their. In great detail, it shows the progression of the story of how it begins and how it ends.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Survey Monkey: Top 10 Questions about Books

These images come from a website called Survey Monkey, where I mad a list of top 10 questions relating to the four books I did before.

Each of these questions asks things like which character is better, which story of these books was the best or which of these good be adapted into a game or comic

Down below here are the results of my blog and what answers people have put down.

These results show that a certain number of people wanted to see certain stories such as Man in High Castle or His Dark Materials and wanted them to be either an adventure or a fantasy.

Friday 20 March 2020

Inspirations of Stories

This story is called Man in the High Castle, it is an alternate history novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. The novel takes place fifteen years after a different end to World War II, and depicts  Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, as they rule over the former United States, as well as daily life under totalitarian rule.

They've made a TV series based around this novel and it lasted for four seasons.
Image result for man in the high castleThe main character consisted of Frank Frink, a quiet painter who soon evoloved into a selfless hero during the progression of the story.

The pros of this being made into a comic are very intresting as it would be good to see the outcome of another world where events played out differently.

There are of coruse cons to this as people may view this to be a highly contraversal thing to be showing, as it shows the Nazis wining the war.

The way I can adapt this into my story is to use the concept of another world to visit and explore.

His Dark Materials is a series fantasy novels by Philip Pullman. The story is centered around coming of age of two children, Lyra Belacqua and Will Parry, as they wander through a series of parallel universes.

They have made a film based of the novel in 2007 and a TV series in 2019. The show has currently finished its first season and is making the second.
Image result for His Dark Materials

The main charactrer is Lyra Belacqua, a 11 year old girl who is a rebellious child but goes on this journey to venture off to mysteries and different worlds. Lorek, a sentient polar bear and a former warrior acompanies her on her journey.

The pros of this story is the story telling and the lore behind their world and how things work out. Also the prospect of an alternative universe.

The Cons would be about the story itselef, about getting the dust and it might've been done before.

The way I would implament this into my story would be to add the adventure based content into my story.

The Practice Effect is a novel by David Brin, which depicts the scientific side of the concept of the Multiverse.

There is no other spin off based on this book.

The main character in this story is Dennis Nuel, a scientist who works to figure out the manipulation of space and time after the death of his mentor.

The pros in this include the scientific angle of the multiverse, explaining the inner workings and how it truely operates.

A con would be that this story would be a little old fansished and would be needing of a little updating.

I would update the information by showing the facts we have now compared to the ones then, showing how time evolved since then.

The Long Earth UK Book Cover.jpg

The Long Earth was written by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter in a first of more novels. This books tells about a series of parrael earths and their outcomes.

There are no shows, games or even comic series based around these novels as of yet.

The main character of this is called Joshua Valienté, an orphan, born on another world who ventures off to different worlds. Another character is Lobsang, an an artificial intelligence who claims to be a reincarnated Tibetan motorcycle repairman.

A pro could be the strong characters as it shows their wants and needs to travel to different worlds and see what they're like in their own eyes.

A con would be that there would be too many universes to try and keep account of.

I would show off the different outcomes and add more varaity to them, showing off their unquqness.

This book is called Particle Effects, written by David Brin. It shows how space and time works and opperates in a narritive setting. The character explore other worlds to try and advance their own science.

As of now, there are no games, comics, tv shows or even movies about this book.

The main character of the book is Dennis Nuel, a scientist who works to solve the mysteries of the univese and any others out there, motivated after the death of his mentor.

A pro I can see with this is the explanation and facts when it comes to the universe's and how they work.

A con is that the story seems a little stale, the enemies of the books could be better and is indeed of some neuance and viusal explanation.

If I was in charge of wrtiting this, I would place the story in a more mordern setting, where science has advanced since this book was realeased and try to make it more intresting by being more descriptive.